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How can you slow down premature skin aging?



It is not just birthday parties that make you realize that life goes on and you get older.
Unfortunately, your skin can also tell you! Premature aging is when the signs of aging occur earlier than is standard. Premature skin aging happens when your biological age is older than your chronological age.
It is not possible to stop time and avoid getting older. However, here you can get tips and tricks to reduce the appearance of premature skin aging and feel better.

How do you know if you have premature signs of skin aging?  

  1. A feeling of drier and thinner skin than usual on your face over several days is a sign. Usually,  this is experienced with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They can be slowed down and reduced using the right skincare products.
  2. Age spots are flat dark pigmented areas on your face and chest.  Common for people over 50, they are signs of too high sun exposure or too little sun protection. 
  3. Loss of a glowing complexion may also be a symptom of premature skin aging. The good news is that it is one of the signs that can easily and quickly be reduced.  See our expert tips below.

What are the factors that accelerate skin aging?  

Environment and lifestyle choices influence the aging process. 


Smoking can influence the natural aging process of your body and visible effects appears on your skin: 

  • Premature wrinkles

  • Uneven skin complexion

  • A greyish tone

  • Deep creases and puffiness below the eyes

  • Wrinkles around the mouth, and thinner lips


Eating balanced meals is a good habit to get into because it helps to preserve your body youth. Also, you may discover here that:

  • Avoid premature skin aging thanks to a diet rich in fiber

  • Nutrients and water help the skin stay hydrated and glowing which preserve skin health

  • Introduce some antioxidants in your diet like citrus fruit can help protect your skin against free radicals

On the other hand, nutrition imbalance, such as a high fat diet can lead to less collagen and premature wrinkles.


Lying down in the sun is good for mental health as you relax. But it is not as good for your skin’s health. Especially if you do not wear sun protection, which should be applied daily all year long to avoid UVA and UVB rays.
FACT: 20% to 30% of UVA rays can reach the dermis, which is why it is important to apply sunscreen particularly during long periods of sun exposure.

UVA rays are responsible for the signs of skin aging as they generate the production of free radicals . Free radicals are a molecule that bears an unpaired electron and is extremely reactive, capable of engaging in rapid chain reactions that destabilize other molecules and generate many more free radicals in the body, deactivated by antioxidants, uric acid, and certain enzyme activities. Bad lifestyle habits and sun exposure can speed up the production of free radicals and therefore premature signs of skin aging.

Moreover, UVA rays also stimulate the synthesis of melanin and will result in your skin changing color, when your skin essentially tans. UVB rays affect the superficial layers of the skin and will lead to solar erythema (sun burn). UVB rays are more energetic than UVA rays and can generate molecular disorders. In the long-term this can lead to skin cancer.

What can you do to slow down premature signs of skin aging? 

We know that skin’s pH on the face is around 5.5, it is slightly acidic. The pH level plays a major role in the good balance of skin microbiota.

At Dermaceutic we advise you to take care of your entire body by being active all year long. Stay hydrated and use the right skincare products adapted to your skin type. We recommend that you protect your skin every day as you are permanently exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Studies show that even driving around or being indoors, there is still exposure to certain rays. 

Therefore, it is vital that a good sunscreen is integrated into your daily skincare protocol. An effective sunblock is classified as a broad-spectrum sunblock. It should provide protection against UVA and UVB rays at the least. It should also be defined as having at least an SPF of 50. 

Which sunscreen can I use to ensure good sun protection?

Dermaceutic offers highly effective, everyday solutions to protect your skin from the sun. Our expertise in dosing and combining premium actives enables us to ensure optimized product effectiveness. 

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*Available in universal and tinted shades

*Also available in light shade

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Sun Ceutic 50+ and its tinted version both effectively protect your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays. These high-precision products also contain active ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid and Stem Cell Stimulator which have anti-aging properties. Our product range includes two tinted products that are extremely valuable at this time of year during the change of season. Also, their formulation aid in developing a homogenized and glowing complexion.

Dermaceutic’s cosmeceuticals product range also offers two tinted DD Creams that help unify complexion whilst simultaneously providing high sun protection. These can be used all year round for homogenized and glowing skin.

Discover all our ever-evolving and ever-growing range of active ingredients here!

You are now aware what causes premature skin aging. Using the  best skincare products can help to slow it down: discover all our high performance cosmeceuticals.

Thank you for reading, learn a bit more about our laboratory and story here

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